In every CEO, there is also a human... Interview with Stéphane Ulcoq

A twenty-year career with a group such as UBP is bound to create a legend. But behind the myth of the CEO, there is always a human: Stéphane Ulcoq. Interview.



Was there a key moment that turned you into the man you are today?


I don't think I can pinpoint a single moment that formed the foundation of the man I am today. We are all the result of numerous major events that have defined our path and shaped us. Like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, we are forever under construction, never completely finished.


Having said that, I experienced a moment of profound intensity on 15 April 2011, when my first child was born. When I held my eldest daughter in my arms for the first time, I realised, in a split second, the immense, life-long responsibility I now had for this little being. In that moment, I promised myself, with a mixture of gravity and elation, that I would always do my best to live up to that responsibility.


What are the fundamental values that carry you through each day?


I cannot stand injustice, so I try to be fair in all my decisions. It’s not always easy! A decision that I believe is absolutely right may not perceived the same way by those affected by it. The most important thing in that situation is to be sure that your conscience is completely clear.


Righteousness and integrity are my guidelines in conducting my work. Unconditional respect for these values is a prerequisite if you are in a position of responsibility. As those who work alongside me know, I am uncompromising about maintaining these values and not deviating from them.


I would like to take advantage of your question by telling you a secret: I believe that values are increasingly eroding in modern societies. Our reservoir of empathy is running out fast! That said, my optimistic nature demands that I trust in the collective intelligence of humanity. I want to believe that tomorrow's generations will get their act together – that they will rely on the universal values that hold society together and ensure our coexistence, much more than those who lead the world currently do.

How does one consolidate a 20-year career within a single group?


To have a long career within the same group, you must first and foremost like what you do and feel comfortable doing it. Fortunately, although 21 years have passed, I still wake up every morning with the same energy and passion I had on the first day! However, energy and passion are not enough to last the distance, you also need a method. If I had to write down my rules for living, my top five commandments would be:


1.           You must take risks, but do not confuse speed with haste.

Difficult decisions must sometimes be made under pressure, but you still need to take the time to analyse the problem calmly and methodically.


2.           Have confidence in yourself...

Having doubts is both inevitable and healthy. If you are a leader, though, it is essential to make choices that you believe in with your soul and with your conscience, and accept responsibility for them.


3. ...and in your flair too!

It's not all about internal rate of return or net present value! A good leader must find the right mix of flair and metrics.


4.           Thou shalt use common sense, always.

"What does my common sense tell me?”: this is a question you should ask yourself often. It is high time we gave common sense the value it deserves in our decisions.


5.           Thou shalt surround thyself with a winning team.

This is the most important commandment – without a good team, any leader, however talented, is nothing. In this respect, I am the luckiest leader in the world because I have the best team anyone could ever hope for!


A preconceived idea that should be deconstructed?


The idea that UBP is only a construction materials company. Of course, UBP will always be inseparable from this sphere, but as a group, we have developed far beyond this sole function. With UBP, Espace Maison, Drymix, and Gros Cailloux, we have a portfolio of companies with complementary goals. This allows us to offer Mauritians much more than each of our companies can offer individually.


What plants can be found in your garden?


I wish I could list all the plants in my garden without getting confused, but the sad truth is that I don't have a green thumb. That said, I am always amazed when I have the opportunity to spend time in nature. I am very conscious of the place we must grant this great lady in our tumultuous daily lives. Gros Cailloux has been designed to create a zen and relaxing space – a good place to stop and take a deep breath of fresh air.


Do you still have things to build?


Oh, always! So long as we are alive, as long as we have a future, however long that may be, there is always something left to build! It’s just as well. Why else would you get up in the morning?


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